Me You & The SuperBugs events reach out to the public, to promote understanding of how to safely use antimicrobials (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, antiparasitics), what antimicrobial resistance is and what me and you can do to reduce the spread of antimicrobial resistant infections. 
The first public engagement event was held on Saturday October 13th, 2018 in Lagos, Nigeria. Events have held annually since then, growing from 1 event in Lagos to 3 events in Lagos, Ife and Ibadan in 2019 and annual virtual events since then.

Since antibiotics were discovered, over 90 years ago, they have been used to save millions worldwide. Antibiotics can kill or prevent the growth of bacteria that cause different infections. Sadly due to wrong use in different parts of the world, including Nigeria, we are now at a stage where many antibiotics are not working as they used to. Bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics. The bacteria that develop resistance are sometimes referred to as 'SuperBugs'.

The SuperBugs can be found in people, animals, food and the environment (in water, soil and air). They can spread between people and animals, and from person to person. The World Health Organisation estimates that antibiotic-resistant infections already kill 700,000 people a year globally, this may mean that 10 million people die every year by 2050.

Scientists are busy searching for alternative ways to treat bacterial infections.
But, the work will be easier with everyone involved. Everyone can do something to help.

Let's work together to improve the public's knowledge on the safe use antibiotics, hygiene and the dangers of antibiotic resistant infections